Science and history lessons, but there is also mathematics, all in the Sardinian language. It is a project launched in the "Giannino Caria" comprehensive school, which involves the second classes of the primary school of Macomer (via Roma) and Borore, for a total duration of 25 hours and those of childhood, for a total of 30 hours .

We are talking about Imparamus in Sardu, the Insulas and Contamus in Sardu line, the municipal language desk, which becomes the vehicular teaching and use of the languages of historical minorities.

There are a total of 69 young students involved. 38 in primary school and 31 in kindergarten. The teachers, in possession of the Sardinian language certification, are Fabio Solinas, Maurizio Serra and Valentina Loche.

«Among the objectives - says the head teacher, Sergio Masia - beyond that of intergenerational transmission, the proposal of a new modern conception of the Sardinian language, no longer as a language of the past, of family tradition, but also as a vehicular one. Due to their educational value, both projects, coordinated by Mario Sanna, the institute's contact person for the Sardinian language, have been included in the three-year training offer plan of our institute, which has always dedicated ample space to the language, history and cultural heritage of Sardinia and of Marghine in particular».

The beneficiaries of the "Contamus in Sardu" project, managed by the operator of the language desk, Adriana Cocco, will be the first classes of the primary school in via Roma and Santa Maria, who will be able to make use of 60 hours of the 75 scheduled for the month of December.

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