The actor and voice actor Luca Ward returns to talk about the illness of his daughter Luna.

The girl, born in 2007 from love with the actress she married in 2013, Giada Desideri, suffers from Marfan's syndrome, a disease that affects the connective tissue and causes heart, lung and bone changes.

“When they told us about the disease we felt guilty… - he told 'Today is another day' on RaiUno -. We opened the internet and read, it was a total disaster. I went right down: I have always reacted well to adversity, but here I could do little. I never said 'because to me', these things happen. At first we thought it was our fault. It was terrible".

They realized that something was wrong because they noticed that "he had an asymmetrical pelvis". "As parents we got suspicious and did a year and a half of research, only to arrive at this deadly sentence," he explained.

"When a child is born with a pathology you feel responsible - he said a while ago to 'Verissimo' -. For me it was a blow, I could not metabolize this thing. My wife, on the other hand, was very strong. immediately understood the gravity and it was she who took the situation in hand, she was the head of the family ... She chose to leave her job to devote herself totally to her children and she had studied a lot, she is a fantastic actress. I don't know if I would have had the courage to make the same choice. And I must say it was the right choice ".

Ward is also the father of Lupo, Luna's twin, and of Guendalina, born from his previous marriage with the voice actress Claudia Razzi.

(Unioneonline / D)

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