«Good workers and Sardinian shepherds, who gave me the movement scarf. I guaranteed everyone my commitment. They are angry? No, they are exasperated."

Thus the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida , after last night's meeting in Rome, at the tractor rally organized by operators from the agricultural world who have been agitating against EU policies for days .

On this occasion, the minister illustrated to the farmers on a war footing, including a representation from Sardinia , the measures that the Meloni Government intends to take to help the sector.

"The Irpef exemption for everyone is not fair because it benefits those who make millions - the minister explains to the Corriere - which is why Giorgetti has decided to guarantee the farmers most in difficulty, who according to him are around 90% of the companies".

Again: «The measure was voted on in the Council of Ministers on Giorgetti's proposal by the entire government and I agreed. And now, with great difficulty, we have found additional resources and chosen to guarantee a fairer exemption without privileges to those who do not need them ", he added. And again: «The remodeling proposal was made by Giorgetti and at the table I didn't hear Salvini say that it wasn't enough. I have full faith in Giorgetti and I think his proposal is wise."

When asked if the clash with farmers is causing the right's electoral base to disappear, the minister replies: «We met the 5 associations that represent 90% of entrepreneurs. Not only are they in line with the government, but they thanked us for our constant work. I see a lot of consensus and I think that the controversies come more from small parts of Parliament in search of notoriety than from farmers."


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