Yes to the latest draft of the Sardinia Prime Ministerial Decree, the agreement regarding the LNG distribution network.

The President of the Region, Christian Solinas, wrote to the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, expressing a favorable opinion on the agreement.

«The provision, which will be finalised, fully satisfies what was previously agreed between the MASE and the Departments of Industry and the Environment of the Region - we read in a note - President Solinas also asked the Government representative for more reassurances that the "backbone", the infrastructure for the distribution of liquefied natural gas, corresponds to the "backbone" already approved by the Ministry of the Environment ".

The plant in question, strategic for the development of the island, «would guarantee compliance with the times for industrial recovery within the Sulcis territory, especially in relation to the relaunch of the Eurallumina Spa refinery ».


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