Last day of electoral campaign today for Pd, M5s and Terzo Polo .

Enrico Letta returned to Piazza del Popolo in Rome where yesterday the flags of the center-right were waving attacking the leader of FdI Giorgia Meloni and her proposal for presidentialism: "We made the choice to defend the Italian Constitution - replied the Pd secretary - which was born from the Resistance and anti-fascism, we will not allow that Constitution, the most beautiful in the world, to be overturned by the right ". And then, on the pandemic: "The real square is that of tonight, not that of yesterday which uttered intolerable words about Covid, vaccines, science and health. Italy wants to move forward ".

"Ours is the square of the Italy of hope, which looks to the future, very different from that of the right, of the Italy of fear," said Letta. "The comeback in recent days is the result of the fact that in our party there is the best political class in the territories". Then the final exhortation: "Long live the EU, democratic and progressive Italy, long live the Democratic Party. Let's go and win".

Also on stage were dem governors and video messages from left-wing international leaders, such as Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Hungarian MEP Clara Dobrev .

M5S - For the Grillini, the electoral campaign ends in Piazza Santi Apostoli: “They had given us up for dead. This square, however, seems to me a symptom of good health. Once again they were wrong ", the words of Giuseppe Conte . The traditional blessing of Beppe Grillo is missing but the old 5-star people and the ancient slogans:" Honesty, honesty "reappear.

On stage, the themes that Conte brought to the electoral campaign: work, pensions, the environment at the beginning. He does not immediately mention citizenship income, an issue on which he does not intend to flatten the Movement. However, the thrust against the government of the best is not lacking: "They told us either peace or air conditioners but peace has disappeared from the radar, we have turned off the air conditioners and now we have to turn off the heating as well. What a great success!".

THIRD POLO - For the Third Pole of the Calenda-Renzi duo the last appeal is for the undecided , "to those for whom politics is a magna magna". "No, politics depends on who votes for it", Carlo Calenda made it clear, before the crowd at the Terrace on the Gianicolo applauded his embrace with Matteo Renzi: "If we take more than 10%, I think that could become the real solution , the right solution ".

The goal is to create the conditions to keep Mario Draghi at the helm of the country . "We expect an intelligent vote from the Italians, the only way to keep the country safe is to vote for the Third Pole", is Calenda's thesis. His traveling companion, Renzi: "We have the wind in our sails, we will have a great result. The Third Pole was the only novelty of this electoral campaign. The Pd perhaps wins the elections in the Metaverse".

Also on stage Elena Bonetti, Mariastella Gelmini and Mara Carfagna , who launches a warning about Giorgia Meloni, potentially the first woman premier in Italy: "They said to me 'from the Mara, a woman premier means breaking through a glass roof'. But the risk is that the shards of that glass roof fall on the heads of Italian women ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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