There are 564 artisan businesses in Sardinia that will soon be able to benefit from the 10 million euros made available by law 949 for crafts . The Regional Technical Committee has approved part of the applications submitted , but awaiting economic coverage: the funds will finance the requests presented for investments to support the growth of businesses and to improve company productivity.

All the beneficiary companies, following the approval of the dossiers, will receive by PEC the competent departmental office the request for the necessary documentation to complete the investigation : the promptness of the response will be essential for a rapid settlement of the requested contribution.

Satisfaction from Confartigianato Sardegna for the positive evolution of the approval procedure, the blockade of which had slowed down the financing to companies and, consequently, made the "artisan law" par excellence ineffective, a rule that over the years has supported the productive activities that invest, grow and they want to get out of the crisis.

"This is good news for all companies that have invested in equipment, technologies and knowledge - the comment of Maria Amelia Lai and Daniele Serra , President and Secretary of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna - but it is also necessary to remember that 819 cases are still in waiting for funding . For this situation, we hope that the announced allocation of an additional 18 million euros by the Region on the Omnibus Law will soon reach the Regional Council for its approval ”. "Thanks to the non-repayable fund up to 40% and the reduction of interest costs - continue Lai and Serra - Law 949 has become synonymous with the growth of all those island artisan companies that have believed in the growth of their business and in that of It isolates, creating the economy and jobs.

In more than 2 years of activity, Confartigianato Sardegna recalls, the financing needs of over two thousand artisan companies have been met , which received an average of 18 thousand euros. This virtuous circuit has set in motion a multiplication mechanism through which each euro made available by law has generated 2.5 euro. Investments that have spread to the territories and other productive and service categories.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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