«On paper we are doomed, but there is always a game to play . After all, we can't do more than lose." Claudio Ranieri is in an excellent mood, as if he had found the sensations he was looking for from the looks of his players and he senses the feat on Saturday in Turin against Juventus . «We know that it will be a prohibitive match», the premise with which he opens the press conference in Asseminello, «we face one of the strongest teams in the championship, like Inter who have conceded only six goals and are a candidate for the final victory also considering that they do not plays European cups. We are aware of Juventus' strength and ardor, but for us every point is a breath of fresh air. And sooner or later we'll have to have a success against the big teams ."

Cagliari ahead with their heads held high despite the difficulty of the match. And regarding the two seasons on the Juventus bench, from 2007 to 2009, the coach from Testaccio was keen to point out: «I certainly didn't have the twelve-thirteen champions of the previous years and I consider that experience very positive». No regrets or pebbles to remove: «I was sent away there, but it's not the truth. I'll write the truth when I stop coaching. And I thank those who allowed me to work at Juventus, where I found a great club and great fans. Cheerful? A great coach ."

Finally, compliments to Viola , not only for what he is doing on the pitch: «Today he graduated, he is a really good boy. He has remarkable tenacity and stubbornness, he achieved everything he achieved by sowing day after day for himself and for the team."

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