"I'm laughing so I don't cry... because I made a big mess."

Four months after his bike accident in Santo Domingo - a broken collarbone and a three-point fracture of the femur - Jovanotti announces that he is canceling the 2024 tour.
«I don't walk without crutches yet, but I plan to start in December – he said on social media -. I put my foot down, but my muscles hurt. It takes time and patience: I do physiotherapy twice a day."

«I don't know when I'll be able to get back on my feet, not even the orthopedists know. I still have to operate to remove the plaque from my collarbone – he continues -. I feel a responsibility towards the musicians I had called up for the whole of 2024. I'm sorry, but thank goodness they are smart professionals who will find something to do."

«The gestation of something strong and important is taking place inside me – he concludes, with a bit of optimism -. I'm taking notes without stopping anything, I leave everything open ."


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