In the wake of an incredible welcome from the Sardinian public, which filled the Christmas stops in Cagliari, Sassari and Nuoro, Jacopo Cullin wanted to re-propose his latest show "It is useless to say" to the Cagliari fans who asked en masse for to be able to laugh again with one of the most acclaimed island actors.

With Gabriele Cossu on stage and supported in the musical part by the historic band, composed by Matteo Gallus on the violin, Riccardo Sanna on the accordion and Andrea Lai on the double bass, the show, curated for the graphics by the Sardinian artist Giorgio Casu (aka Jorghe) and enriched by Damiano Picciau's photos, it moves on the delicate border between irony and comedy, giving space to reflection on some of the main issues that characterize our time: liquid society, fragility of relationships and the constant existential crisis that pervades the human being .

On stage Cullin plays three of his historical characters (Signor Tonino, Salvatore Pilloni and Angioletto Biddi 'and Proccu), specially chosen to make you smile and reflect in the face of the fears and neuroses of our time.

The appointment is tonight and tomorrow 6 January at the Conservatory Auditorium starting at 20.30.

Back to Cagliari again after the pre-Christmas success ...

“Yes, I'm going back to Cagliari to close this 'holiday tour'. Today and tomorrow we are on the stage of the Conservatory then we'll see. We really have a lot of requests so I think we will have to make other replicas, Covid obviously permitting ".

And now still sold out?

"Exactly the theater is full both days".

Did you make a sociological analysis for this public response?

“No, honestly no. I haven't thought about it that much. I find it a huge demonstration of affection and esteem that I believe has increased over the years as the relationship with the public has grown. It's just a reunion after almost three years, as the last show was staged on May 1st 2019, it's been too long. How to see old friends again: you really want to meet them again ".

On stage you are her and Gabriele Cossu. But where has Zara gone?

“(Laughs) Zara and Gabriele have another repertoire and are a tried and tested comedy couple. Actually ours is not a duo, with Gabriele we are very friends and I find that he is a perfect co-star. It is more than a shoulder. I tried to sew these roles on him and I must say that he is really very good ".

Will she be in the show or are there only her characters?

"I will only make a brief introduction to welcome the audience, because after all this time it seemed only right to dedicate an initial chat to the spectators to thank them all and start the show".

Let's go back. How did you start acting?

“I started at 16 but more than being an actor, at that age I embarked on a very specific path studying acting. Feeling like an actor is another thing, it took me a long time. Maybe after the first film I started to think that it was becoming a profession, even though in all the previous years I had acted in many shows, including the Roman Amphitheater. But I didn't feel like it, I perceived myself more as an acting student, and I still am, but now I can say that this is my job ”.

And how did directing go, before or after your passion for acting?

“The two things started at the same time. I have always supervised the direction of my shows, then I continued with videos, short films, commercials. It all came very naturally. I do both things with serenity without thinking which is the most important or the best ".

Do you prefer to be center stage as an actor or behind the scenes as a director?

"They are two totally different things that give me a different pleasure that is not comparable: I prefer ... both!".

"The man who bought the moon" gave her a lot of satisfaction and the film was a great success. As a director, how do you explain these excellent results of Paolo Zucca's work?

“Paolo, in addition to being very cultured, is a person who studies and researches thoroughly in the writing phase. This work allows him to arrive on the set with an important structure that guides perfectly with a unique, sincere taste and this the public always appreciates: sincerity and attention to detail are elements that the viewer recognizes and rewards. I believe this is the secret. Then we do our part and we rely on each other: the director relies on us and we rely on him ".

In the series "The investigations of Lolita Lo Bosco" it was in prime time on Raiuno. What experience was it?

“Beautiful and special because it started immediately after the lockdown. It was the first set to resume with the reopenings of 2020, therefore with a protocol that imposed, during processing, the mask and a whole series of unimaginable restrictions. Now it is almost normal but at that moment it was an almost alienating situation. At the same time, this novelty, never experienced before by any of us, has helped us a lot to become confident. I would say a familiar atmosphere has been created: we were always closed together in a bubble to avoid contagions. We had a lot of fun both inside and outside the set and this was evident in the images: an enthusiasm and a joy that were an integral part of the success, this is another secret of the success of the work ".

Are you thinking of a national tour or are you planning to write a new show geared towards a more global audience?

“To be honest, I've never thought about it. I have always believed that these characters would remain here in Sardinia as a product of our island, an indigenous heritage. But, in reality, they are making me think about it: many non-Sardinian people came to see the show who guaranteed to have understood everything. Despite some incomprehensible words for the continentals, 95% of the texts also reached those who are not islanders, a wonderful satisfaction. There are many requests from all over Italy to go on tour in the Peninsula, so never say never ".

So will you have to refund 5% of the ticket to foreigners?

"(laughs) Not at all ... on the contrary ... There were spectators who wanted to buy the ticket a second time to help us due to the serious problems that the pandemic has created in our sector. Obviously I did not accept, but it was a wonderful test of maturity of the public who have expressed their desire to concretely support culture and art ".

In these days, the video of a “Miss Good evening” that in 1984 announced the film '2022: The survivors' has gone viral. Have you seen it? Not the movie, the video ...

"No, I have not seen him".

If you wrote the screenplay for a film set in 2060, what title would you think?

"I find it hard to imagine February 2022 let alone 2060. It seems to me so far away that I think at the most about next week".


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