Giuseppe Guttadauro, former head physician of the Civic hospital of Palermo, was arrested with his son during the night by the carabinieri del Ros while returning from Morocco. They are accused of mafia-type association.

The man, the investigators discovered during the interceptions, was trying to "teach" the young man the career of the boss: "You have to evolve, do you understand? - he told him talking about business and drugs - The problem is to stay with that head, but the evolution ... ".

Guttadauro had moved to Rome when he was released from prison in 2012, he officially volunteered, but the conversations recorded by the carabinieri show something else. On several occasions he was caught talking about drugs: "But I don't mind telling him to the Calabrians," he said about trafficking. His son Mario Carlo would also be busy looking for drugs. "Do you think they control you?" Asked a friend. And he said: "Of course, I have the relative of my relative who is the most important fugitive there is. The second in the world, the most important in Italy".

In short, the doctor would have organized a drug trade with foreign countries, financed by some Palermitans, opening a channel for the acquisition of cocaine with South America and with an Albanian for the supply of hashish. The organization could count on a flight attendant, in relations with Guttadauro, who was supposed to transport 300 thousand euros to Brazil when the shipment of drugs from South America arrived in Holland.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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