It is time to take stock. And the heaviest, surprisingly, seems to be the one that precedes and accompanies the choice of the next President of the Republic, not only because this same choice has become the functional epicenter of accommodation of the party structures, or at least of what remains of each of them, but also to be, that same choice, progressively become a guarantee of survival in the context of a "system" which has become incapable of submitting itself, in the privileged context of the ballot box, to democratic confrontation with the Sovereign People.

The intent is not to question at all costs the (in) established order of the last two years of the pandemic, nor to prepare a programmatic manifesto on how to proceed. Rather, it is a question of acknowledging, with a precise sense of pragmatism, the progressive affirmation of a controversial society, that of the institutionalized social "no", which seems to have become the significant, fitting and conditioning paradigm of political action. Never before, not even at the time of the (in) glorious ("for many but not for all") First Republic, have we been able to see the collapse of party roles and institutional functions, their detachment from the real country, and the indeterminacy of their representative capacities recently resulted in the formation of a Government of National Unity under the absolute and "absolutist" leadership of Mario Draghi, in his role as "alter ego" of Mario Monti.

Well: that same indeterminacy is significant as to how, outside of a qualifying government presence, both the right and the left, without even passing through the center, non-existent "de facto" although one wants to even try to resurrect that "beelzebub ”By Matteo Renzi, move without any concrete political project and capacity for social mobilization. The limited consent to the state, respectively estimated in the illusory terms of the very close probing verisimilitude, fails to touch, and I add paradoxically, the social and economic issues that should have and should permeate government action.

Whether it is a "representation deficit", or more generally, a sort of reflected "democratic deficit" does not matter. What matters, however, is that in whatever direction you want to turn your gaze, you are no longer able to understand "who" represents "what", that is, the so-called "reference electorate" has been lost as a direct and conscious user of a well-determined political proposal , however, it too, upstream, is deficient.

The various political organizations and institutions of reference lack the ability to identify and understand situations of inequality and hardship, and therefore, consequently, the ability to intervene to correct them through those sacrosanct, but now non-existent, democratic mechanisms of resolution. And here then is that the "no vax" or "no-pass" (however unacceptable) of some fringes of the civil population, as opposed to the different "no-vax, no pass" of the Government as a limit to an act of social disobedience, translates, by direct reflection, into a resounding "no" (justifiable) to the inability of the ruling class seated on the benches of power, to elaborate an economic proposal that is capable of going beyond conventional indications to conform with conviction to the nascent social organization that has become expression of the only truly "conforming" and "conforming" party, that is, that of programmed abstention and never deficient.

It is difficult, purely theoretically, to say whether all this is a prelude to the configuration of a societal model inspired by growing forms of democratic socialism, or, more simply, to the entrenchment of a "middle world", that alas of civil society, which, alas, found itself lacking of representation and, therefore, of expressive capacity incident due to the lack of his privileged interlocutor. It is useless to deny that for several years citizens have felt increasingly excluded from the mechanisms and decision-making processes due to the latter having become irremediably incomplete and not at all transparent, and absolutely unable, moreover, to justify penalizing autonomism in the configuration of models of (sub) economic and fiscal development that characterize this Italy compared to the more fortunate and shrewd European partners. Perhaps it is really true that in our country, politics, and its insipid representatives (forgive me the expression), it is convenient that the problems exist and indeed multiply, because after all, those problems are the distorted and distorting assumption of their minimal survival (or at least it is convenient to believe it), although deprived of any form of credibility, which problems, moreover, induce them (our politicians) shamefully not to abdicate so as not to have to suffer the condemnation of oblivion and of poverty. The point is that by now the die has been cast, despite everything and in spite of everyone: the people are tired, resigned, unwilling to tolerate. In short, let's be clear: who cares if Mario Draghi will still be Prime Minister or will rise to the honors of the Hill? It being understood that his government experience has already more than exceeded natural temporal expectations and that it is time for him to return to his natural occupations. Who cares if the government will fall immediately after the choice of Sergio Matterella's successor? Where the People had not been understood, the majority of the People, which evidently are not an ATM from which to draw always and in any case, have very serious difficulties in putting together lunch and dinner, in bearing the growing tax burden, in honoring the various progressively increasing bills, to survive the lack of work and / or its exploitation.

This is the only real unacceptable shame in a country that aspires to be considered civil in the full sense of the term. But, on closer consideration, in the given situation, how could it be otherwise in a context where party representation has progressively transformed itself into a pale body of unelected bureaucrats called to settle unspecified circumstances of conflict and to take important decisions for the community life? Disaffection in the institutions has now become the dominant sentiment. Will anyone know or want to remedy it, or will we have to arrive at the tragic moment of fracture?

Giuseppina Di Salvatore

(Lawyer - Nuoro)

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