Luca Serianni , one of the most famous and influential scholars of the Italian language, is in a coma at the San Camillo in Rome, hit by a car this morning in Ostia, while crossing the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of via Isole del Capo Verde and via dei Sailing ships.

The man, 75, is fighting between life and death: " His conditions are very serious , according to the team of the shock and trauma structure", says the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D'Amato .

The car that overwhelmed the scholar stopped and the woman who was driving immediately rescued. Serianni was first transported to the Grassi hospital, then - in light of the seriousness of the conditions - to San Camillo. Municipal police experts investigate the dynamics of the incident.


Born in Rome in 1947, Serianni has dedicated his life to the "cult" of the word and to the analysis of the evolution of the language from Latin to Italian, from popular idiom to poetic language, from historical grammar to the influence of cultural contexts and social.

He was professor in charge of History of the Italian language at the universities of Siena, L'Aquila and Messina before becoming full professor at Sapienza in Rome , where he taught from 1980 to 2017. After focusing on the Tuscan languages, a theme already at the center of his thesis degree, Serianni has focused her attention on grammar, literary language and sectoral languages. Member of the Accademia della Crusca and of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, director of the journals Italian linguistic studies and Italian lexicography studies, in 2010 he was appointed vice president of the Dante Alighieri Society.

In 2017 he was appointed consultant of the Ministry of Education for learning the Italian language. He has lived in Ostia for years, where he is very active on a cultural and social level: last year he held three lectures on the Divine Comedy in the Church of Regina Pacis.

(Unioneonline / L)

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