« In recent years, intermittent fasting has gained considerable popularity as one of the most talked about weight loss and health improvement methods. This dietary model alternates periods of fasting and periods of correct nutrition. The most common variations include the 16/8 method, in which you fast for 16 hours and only eat during the remaining 8 hours, or the 5/2 method, in which you normally consume food for five days a week and limit the calorie intake at around 500-600 calories for the other two days", explains Pietro Senette, nutritionist and researcher.

«During the fasting phase, the body goes from a state in which it mainly uses glucose as an energy source to one in which it burns fat. Benefits such as the reduction of adipose masses and consequent better insulin sensitivity appear to derive from this strategy; reduction of the main cardiovascular risk factors, such as blood pressure and cholesterolemia; promotion of the production of brain growth factors and even better life expectancy."

«Intermittent fasting therefore seems to offer a series of health benefits, but it is essential to underline: it is not suitable for everyone. Many people could in fact experience some disadvantages, among which the following are the main ones: feeling of hunger and irritability, difficulty following the path as it requires a lot of discipline, possible reduction in the intake of essential nutrients if not planned correctly".

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