The industrial crisis of Sulcis was at the center of a meeting held at Villa Devoto, between the governor Christian Solinas, the regional and territorial confederal unions of CGIL, CISL and UIL and a representation of Sulcis mayors.

«Let the State decide» – «The industrial hub of Portovesme is strategic for our economy - declared the President of the Region - the Region has fought to bring the issue of the non-ferrous metallurgy hub to the national table, to address the relaunch in organic and shared manner, as it is a topic linked to the industrial policies of the country. Now the State must decide whether it still considers the production of lead and zinc in that area to be strategic, possibly exercising the Golden share instrument, or choose to experiment with new alloys".

On the agenda are the energy issue, the resolution of industrial disputes, environmental reclamation and labor policies.

“Strategic” backbone – «On the energy issue - stated Solinas - we want to start again from the backbone, a strategic infrastructure for the development of the island. In our discussions, we asked the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security that the regasifier go to Porto Torres, where there is already an industrial port, which can be connected with the other basins of Sardinia. In this way - explains the President - not only would the times for the arrival of gas on the island be shortened, but there would be space to promote other projects in the Portovesme area, such as shipbuilding, which could be a driving force for the aluminum supply chain with excellent employment benefits."

The disputes – During the meeting, the situation was taken stock of the main industrial disputes that have the greatest impact on the local economy: Sider Alloys, Eurallumina, Portovesme srl, Enel power plant. At present all workers, including those in related industries, have been made safe, waiting for the ongoing industrial redevelopment projects to be defined.

"Labor policies remain at the center of the regional agenda", assured the Regional Labor Councilor, Ada Lai, underlining the Region's desire to continue to guarantee social security for workers, not only with the use of social safety nets , but also by accompanying them, during the delicate ongoing reconversion phase, with training courses paid for by an attendance allowance.

Permanent table - The proposal came from the unions to establish a permanent crisis table to deepen the planning and monitoring actions, which could relaunch the Sulcis industry, from the aluminum supply chain to that involving lead and zinc, and renewable energy.

«We need – explain CGIL, CISL and UIL in a joint note – a territorial discussion table on the industrial crisis of Sulcis Iglesiente coordinated by the Region with the involvement of the national government and the multinationals involved in the site. A table therefore that marks a discontinuity with respect to the mere discussion on the provision of shock absorbers and leads to a positive synthesis of the open disputes, outlining the prospect of relaunch, with clear commitments and certain times".
«Clarity and discussion» – «CGIL, CISL and UIL also demand «clarity, certainty and coherence in the commitments that all subjects must undertake, asking for a discussion that has the objective of tracing precise directions of industrial and energy policy, defining a project of the future of the territory, with a clear idea of transition and development. We need to get out of the logic of social safety nets to get to work, but the opposite is no longer acceptable."
And, the unions conclude, "decisions are needed quickly, because there are imminent deadlines that cannot be overlooked".


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