The refinement of Venetian lace and lace alongside the hard mysterious features of the Mamuthones masks.

Impossible wedding? Not in Villamassargia, where the "Carnival without borders in the country of roots" drove thousands of people crazy, attracting visitors from all over Sulcis.

Selfies, dancing and lots of applause for the parade with the costumes of the historical procession of Venice united in a magical marriage with those of the deepest Sardinian tradition of the Mamuthones and the Issochadores of Mamoiada and the “S' Urtzu 'e su Pimpirimponi” of Sadali who danced all together, with local masked groups, enchanting those present.

«The union between the traditions of our Sardinia and those of Venice was a success from all points of view, a true love without borders», declared Alessia Ghisoni and Cinzia Murgia, award-winning founders of “Oggi Sposi & Exclusive Wedding ” and experts in international events who have personally carefully chosen, in the ancient tailoring shops of Venice, the clothes worn by the participants: precious handcrafted works, made with precious fabrics and silks from the East, decorated with Burano lace and the pride of every lady of the time, greatly admired in the town of S'Ortu Mannu.

After the gathering in via dello Sport, the parade set off through the streets of the town, animating a festive procession throughout the afternoon for a crowd of enthusiasts who had arrived for the occasion from all over the island.

Highlight moment in Piazza Pilar with the ancestral dances of the Mamuthones mamoiadini and conclusion entrusted to food and wine delicacies and live music with some of the Sardinian protagonists of the console to the delight of the young audience.

The administration's objective is to cross the local territorial scope to conquer more aware tourism and deseasonalize it, with a constant aim of promoting the territory and without ever forgetting the fight against depopulation.

«Organizing an event is creating an additional opportunity for our country to develop tourism - declared Debora Porrà, mayor of Villamassargia - yesterday the objective was achieved thanks to the thousands of participants, the activities of the country worked fully regime and we have directly seen the positive impact of our Carnival formula."

A first experiment that will be repeated in the coming years given the great success and importance of the twinning with Venice, also supported by the national Unpli, the Union of Italian Pro Locos which strongly wanted the synergy between cultures to promote traditions islands beyond the Tyrrhenian Sea.


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