Tomorrow will be a whole day dedicated to improvised Sardinian song in rhyme, Sa Poesia Cantada. An event that is included in the homonymous project, wanted and promoted by the municipal administration of Silanus and financed by the Sardinia Foundation, therefore born to safeguard and enhance Sardinian improvised singing, which in the past was the main channel for spreading culture, but also to protect the Sardinian language and promote extemporaneous poetry as a great legacy to be entrusted to the new generations.

The "Zogamus in poetry" workshop, free and open to all children aged between eleven and fourteen, has the precise aim of discovering talents who can become the successors of the great poets, in particular of the Silanese Mario Masala and Frantziscu Mura, who have performed on stages throughout the island and in various parts of the world.

«The initiative - says the mayor, Gian Pietro Arca - born to protect the Sardinian language and enhance the art of improvised singing in rhyme will have as its main purpose that of looking to the future and finding, through practical activities, dialogue and comparison, the more effective ways to entrust this legacy to the new generations and give it new lifeblood».

The day opens at 10 at the sports field with "Zogamus in poetry", with a poetic improvisation workshop for the kids. At 16.30, in the Municipal Auditorium there will be Erasmus- Projet Network of Unesco Cultural Spaces. University of Cagliari and Sotziu Tenores Sardigna. At 18 Sa Domo de Sa Poesia Cantada, which has its own museum and laboratory in Silanus. At 7 pm Eusakal Poetry: what future for improvised singing? The Basque experience.

In the evening, at the municipal amphitheater, at 20 there will be the classic poetry competition, with the poets Alessandro Arca, Totore Cappai, Dionigi Bitti and Zuseppe Porcu. Between one speech and another the tenor groups of Silanus will perform. For the occasion, in the evening, from 21.30 Sa Domo de sa poetry cantada will be open.

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