Two million and 467 thousand euros a day for the equivalent of 74 million a month .

In other words, a total of 2 billion and 99 million of deductions which, on the over 12 thousand buildings concerned, have activated a turnover of 4 billion and 400 million euros, of which 2 billion and 880 million as a direct effect on construction companies and technicians and 1 billion and 500 million euros of related activities.
These are the figures of the 110% Superbonus on the island , according to the Study Office of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna , which analyzed the data disclosed by Enea (relating to November 30) and recalculated the economic effects of the regulation estimated by Censis in collaboration with Harley&Dikkinson , for the 851 days, i.e. 28 months, of activity of the standard, between the beginning of August 2020 and 30 November 2022.
In Sardinia, there were a total of 12,399 sworn translations for a total of investments eligible for deduction of 1 billion and 908 million euros and deductions expected at the end of the works for 2 billion and 99 million euros.
Yet, despite the enormous amount of investments that will have a positive impact on businesses, technicians and related industries, there are still over 300 million euros that the Sardinian realities of the Casa System have not yet managed to collect through the assignment of credits , according to the data estimated by Confartigianato Edilizia Sardegna at the end of last November: a wealth of blocked credits that is putting thousands of companies in a liquidity crisis.

In addition to this, there is also the situation of families who have left their homes, transformed in recent months into a construction site for 110% subsidized energy efficiency works, and have been renting for months without being able to predict when they will be able to return to their housing.
The main responsibility, according to Confartigianato, lies in the 16 regulatory changes to the Superbonus, introduced in two and a half years: one every two months, to which 11 changes have been added to the rules for invoice discounts and credit transfers.
The association therefore asks the Government to free the companies from the credits stranded in the tax drawers , which cannot be managed on the banking market, and to avert the bankruptcy of thousands of companies. The last call concerns the parliamentary conversion process of Legislative Decree 176/2022 (Aiuti Quater) through which action should be taken on the modification of the credit transfer procedures, the stability of the rules and the extension of the terms for condominiums .
"We need a few rules, certain and stable over time, because the energy transition of buildings is a long process to implement and which requires firm rules to benefit from the incentives, even at the cost of these being 110% less convenient - commented Maria Amelia Lai, President of Confartigianato Sardegna, and Giacomo Meloni, President of the building artisans - we hope that never again will we be able to see, and suffer, the regulatory stop and go of recent months that have thwarted the expectations and efforts of citizens and entrepreneurs . The continuous changes to the rules, in fact, in recent months have thrown operators into uncertainty and made the attitude of the financial intermediaries who had guaranteed the purchase of credits extremely prudent».

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