“Outrage”, “anger”, “shame”. These are the sentiments expressed by the representatives of the Gramsci circle which brings together Sardinian emigrants in Turin. They are unleashed by the initiative organized by other clubs, those of Bolzano and Bollengo, which over the weekend will host the show " Will Tottoni Braghetta succeed in having an heir from Miss Vera Passera?".

"The poster and the title of the event textually and iconographically convey an anachronistic message of profound contempt for women and an image of the Sardinian people anchored to the worst stereotypes of the past", reads a note from the president of the Turin club, Enzo Cugusi , who continues: «The graphics of the representation proposed by the Barbaricidicoli company of Ottana leave us speechless for the squalor with which the Sardinian women and people are depicted».

The iconography is all too classic: the Sardinian man with "su bonette", the discrete woman and, as a side dish, the sheep. «It amazes us how a theater company open to change and known for being a promoter of an inclusive society can fall so low, dragging even Fasi into this shame, a third sector body that represents thousands of emigrated Sardinians and which should be vigilant before granting sponsorships and promoting certain messages», denounces the women's and equal opportunities coordination of the association.

The affair, according to the exponents of "Gramsci", "raises a very important question and concerns the responsibilities of the Fasi management and the ability of this body to supervise so that the initiatives carried out by the clubs respect the principles of tolerance" at the basis of the affiliation of thousands of partners who pay a membership fee every year.

The Cagliaritan Francesco Pongiluppi, councilor of the Ecological Left in District 4 of Turin, where many Sardinians live, also takes a stand: «I feel deeply offended. For days I have been receiving calls from many Sardinian towns residing here in Turin denouncing the squalor of this poster. I have serious difficulties in understanding how a message of this type can be passed through the heads of the Phases without leaving them in some turmoil or doubts about the opportunity to grant patronage».


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