Does coffee keep blood pressure low?

There are very few drinks that, like coffee, have been and continue to be debated from a health point of view. There has always been an evident and above all repeated "scientific effort" to demonstrate long-awaited and ephemeral benefits which in practice are summarized in the WHO (World Health Organization) definition: "Non nutritive dietary component" nutritious).

As far as the blood pressure/coffee consumption ratio is concerned, it is at least necessary to underline that the favorable studies speak of a moderate consumption of coffee, about 2 cups a day, while the unfavorable ones report proven negative effects for heavy consumers, over 3 cups/per day. day.

Beyond the hemodynamic power of this drink, it still remains an element of the typical day of millions of people, and in particular of the Italians; therefore, the precautionary principle requires remembering that it is a drink capable of inducing addiction and that excessive consumption can cause nervousness, insomnia and heart rhythm problems.

Doctor Pietro Senette

Nutritionist and researcher

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