How many vegetables should you eat per day ? Nutritionist Pietro Senette explains it to us.

The guidelines suggest, for an adult individual, the consumption of about 50 grams of salad and 250 grams of raw vegetables to eat every day. However, it must be emphasized that larger portions, in a healthy individual, are far from harmful .

The benefits of taking vegetables daily in our diet are in fact multiple . One of the best known is maintaining proper intestinal function , followed by body weight control , support for our immune defenses and, without fear of emphasis, it is legitimate to state that a fair intake of vegetables contributes to the functioning of the entire body and the prevention of some of the major diseases .

In fact, not eating the right amount of vegetables also means limiting the intake of micronutrients, fibers and water , altering the body's hydro-electrolyte balance on the one hand, and on the other subtracting precious nourishment from the intestinal microbiota. Vegetables, especially raw, contain precious enzymes that stimulate and facilitate digestion and thanks to the fibers they contain, they slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce that of fat, favoring a balanced control of blood sugar and lipids in the blood.

So many good reasons for a healthy individual to take them with every meal, while they must be carefully dosed for those with reduced digestive function.

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