The project “Horses, Riders, Communities. History and Future of Marghine and Goceano”, supported by the Fondazione di Sardegna, has the objective of defining a "Plan for the enhancement of the horse in Sardinia", starting from the specificities of the various sub-regions such as, precisely, Marghine and Goceano which to collaborate, opening a dialogue with the neighboring territories.
It is an operational type project, which gives form and method to the constructive proposals that emerge from operators, the sector and civil society that unites citizens, enthusiasts, young people who are investing in an idea of a shared future of the Territory.
An activity of listening and direct and operational commitment by mayors and administrators of 10 Municipalities of Marghine and Goceano, fully involved in the perspective of considering the Horse, local services and productions, the new residential area, as one of the pillars of the Rural District of Central Sardinia.
Starting from the numerous and qualified historical experiences on the subject, the project aims at enhancing the equestrian sector as a factor characterizing the idea of Sustainable Sardinia, in order to propose a new development model that relates the Horse, the Riders and the equestrian tradition (therefore the narration and successes attributable to this category) and the Community, meaning by this the context of social, cultural, environmental, historical, anthropological and artistic relationships that have accompanied the Island over the centuries.
Changing the Territory and attracting for Local Development
It is necessary to create a system, with a coordination of intentions of the existing realities and a shared strategy for the infrastructural, government and cultural actions necessary for development.
The world of horses and related disciplines are studied in round tables and seminars in which the "stakeholders" of the sector such as owners and enthusiasts, breeders, managers, tour operators, experts, hippotherapy operators, will be able to discuss the different dimensions of the theme (social, cultural, environmental, tourist, economic, etc.) identify and analyze the best local practices and perspectives compared with the Italian and foreign ones.
Starting from the involvement of the stakeholders, it is important to launch in the Territory, together with other lines such as cycling and the outdoors, a general plan of great environmental (re)qualification and green transition, with targeted investments in the environmental heritage and in qualified service infrastructures to residents even before travelers and tourists.
We want to go beyond the concept of decadent rural villages, instead creating reasons and attractions for a qualified residence full of services for all months of the year.

Without these grand plans, all private initiatives must continue to operate as individuals and without having large networks of services and environmental qualifications (contrary to the competition from qualified territories such as Trentino).
Sandro Murtas, BS 1879.
The realization of the first objectives is based on a very significant heritage relating to the Sardinian Anglo-Arab horse which immediately allows the narration and the attraction of resources, enthusiasts, and even national partners. In fact, the existence of highly qualified contents and places in the recent past of the region is known, with the sites of Badde Salighes (Piercy saga), Foresta Burgos, the Mariani estates, Tanca Regia to name a few and
remain in the second half of the 19th century, to arrive at the more recent activities for the protection of the equestrian genealogy. A vision of (re)qualification of our countries of this type, perfectly meets the prospects of re-functionalization and redevelopment of places also in a logic of welcome and new citizenships in internal areas and in countries at risk of depopulation."
Results and prospects
The first phase of comparison carried out in November and December was followed by the workshop on 11 March, open to citizens, which fine-tuned the system strategy for the next 12 months. A thematic brand (Cavalli, Cavalieri, Comunità), a reference website, social pages, an important event at the end of spring 2023 have already been created, to start enhancing the sites and operators who collaborate in a logic of territorial offer . In recent months, numerous horses and riders (women and men) of the Territory have participated in some filming for film trailers that could be recorded in the symbolic places of this part of central Sardinia. Contacts have been established with other Italian realities, such as the community that participates in the Palio in Siena, in which Sardinian horses and riders play a leading role. The supra-regional relations will make it possible to exchange excellent work experiences.
Appointment at the meeting on March 11, in Sindia. Further information on

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