"I hope that my individual choice will strengthen our commitment to Sardinia and the Sardinians. A big hug and thanks to all of you." Alessandra Zedda wrote in the chat of the regional council the day after presenting the letter of resignation in the hands of the President of the Region Christian Solinas . Monday evening they were sitting side by side in the Massimo theater, at the first screening of the film on Gigi Riva. The videos show them smiling. Yet something was broken.

Zedda left his post as Labor Councilor and Executive Vice President to return to the majority benches, to the ranks of his party, Forza Italia.

For the people, the decision was dictated by "personal reasons". But there is no need to be a careful observer of politics to understand that there is more behind it. Much more. Perhaps something on which the - imminent - fate of the legislature depends, which should have a natural expiry in February 2024. Even in the center-right there are those who look at the same month, but in 2023, and see us an open window for possible elections anticipated. But the main interlocutor is and remains Solinas, who grew up amid the tensions of politics and had important lessons on how to mend the tears.

All scenarios are open, then. But some heavy signals begin to arrive. Of compromised political credibility for the executive, the leader of the Lega in the regional council speaks of Pierluigi Saiu: "The verification in the majority has been dragging on for too long. Talking about reshuffling for months has de-legitimized the junta and slowed down its action. for a long time without even arriving at a synthesis, it then contributed to undermining the political credibility of the coalition ".

In addition to the box left empty by Zedda, there are also the one abandoned to the Transport by Giorgio Todde (Lega), who left slamming the door in dispute with his party, and to the Environment by Gianni Lampis, who must now work in Parliament.

Saiu's words confirm a climate of high tension between Matteo Salvini's Carroccio and Solinas' party, the Psd'Az, which is itself divided internally.

The public statements, apart from that of the league leader, are all oriented towards the search for a possible recomposition of a picture that appears to be shattered. Concern is manifested with the microphones turned off.

In the center-right there are those who are considering being able to ride the long wave of Meloni's success, and are thinking of early elections. And Zedda who breaks away from Solinas could also become an attractive candidate to face the center-left.

On the other hand, it is one of the convictions that they would not even have the time to define the structure between the Democratic Party and the Five Stars. Although in Sardinia the reports seem different from those that are seen (for now) thesis on the Italian front. The names of possible presidential candidates even come out on the agencies. But of having confirmations, of course, there is no talk of it.

"The resignation of the regional councilor for work, Alessandra Zedda, certifies the failure of this regional government and of this council that is continuing to lose pieces", attack the pentastellated regional councilors Roberto Li Gioi, Desirè Manca, Michele Ciusa and Alessandro Solinas, "The governor follows his deputy and resigns".

(Unioneonline / EF)

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