After the spectacle of the shooting stars of San Lorenzo and the first Supermoon in August (waiting for the second, the so-called "Blue Moon"), Saturn is preparing to become - for one night - the absolute protagonist of the night sky . And it will do so on the night it reaches the minimum distance from Earth. Here, on August 27 and 28, one of the most spectacular planets in the Solar System will be observable in the best conditions. To make it particularly brilliant also the fact that it is in opposition, that is opposite to the Sun with respect to the Earth.

"The opposition allows us to observe it for the whole night, initially in the South-East, then towards the South in the central hours of the night, finally in the South-West before sunrise", explain the Italian Amateur Astronomers Union. The planet is also at the minimum distance from the Earth, i.e. just over 1 billion and 310 million kilometers and this allows it to be observed "at maximum brightness and with the greatest apparent dimensions", confirm the amateur astronomers of the Uai.

Through the telescope, they conclude, its famous rings will also be clearly visible, which "will be brighter than usual, as the shadow of the particles that make up the rings themselves is reduced to a minimum".


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