In October, the complaints of several athletes , then the story - made up of harassment and renunciations - went viral on social media and a case nationwide .

Emanuela Maccarani , head coach of the Rhythmic Gymnastics team and technical director of the Desio International Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy , and her assistant Olga Tishina are now being investigated by the Monza Public Prosecutor's Office for alleged mistreatment of the young "butterflies" , minors at the time of the facts.

After the first timid confessions, greeted with astonishment, disappointment and indignation by public opinion, investigations were launched to ascertain what the gymnasts testified in recent months: the impositions relating to nutrition and the continuous checks of body weight followed by alleged humiliations against of the agonists for their physical aspect , considered, by the technicians, never adequate.

Many authoritative voices have recounted their experience, revealing some background of this sporting universe that many suspected to exist but that no one had ever properly documented. After the first complaints leaked to the press, Maccarani , who was suspended by the Federation, sent colleagues a Whatsapp message to defend her position.


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