The new challenges of the Cellino group which follows the entire durum wheat supply chain in the Sanluri and Santa Giusta factories. The Alma method was born from a never-ending construction site of ideas and projects, an aspect that now characterizes the production and strong point of the new pasta (which also has a renewed image) which has been on the shelves of shops and shopping centers for a few days.

«Alma – explains Lucina Cellino – comes from Latin and means soul. We have put our soul into this new production system which is a new method of cleaning the grain which consists of double decortication. Normally the hulling of wheat is done with a stone that releases residues. We, however, in addition to using double decortication, use a diamond stone. In this way the grain is not "stressed" during cleaning and maintains its original organoleptic and qualitative characteristics. The soul of the wheat is extrapolated and then transformed into semolina, preserving purity, brilliance and flavour."

The third generation has arrived at the heart of the company with Michela Francesca and Matteo Alberto Cellino. «The heart of the new project - explains Michela Cellino - is the Sardinian territory and its areas with a strong agricultural vocation in which we want to expand the area of durum wheat cultivated». There is also respect for the environment which manifests itself with the farewell to plastic and with the use of certified paper packages with a ruler-shaped side band to facilitate dosing for the new F.lli Cellino pasta.

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