«With the days decreasing, it is a direct clash and these are fundamental points to achieve the objectives». Thus Lecce coach Luca Gotti on the eve of the salvation match against Cagliari.

«In Cagliari – added the Salento coach in the press conference – the environment is close to the team, there is a united and cohesive group, as happens in our context. They will be looking for decisive points, just like us."

Lecce are already considered safe, but Gotti puts his hands forward: «I don't comment on other people's words. Lecce are perhaps already safe, they probably are, but that's not reality, that's my only way of seeing things. Until the mathematics is achieved we must look for points. Only when the ship is moored in port will we have final discussions."

On the training front, the coach can smile about the recovery of midfielder Ramadani: «He can start from the beginning. He was out of the group for about ten days, but nothing seems to have happened. He has quality and generosity, it seems he has never stopped."

Finally a passage to Claudio Ranieri: «He will know how to counter us. He is a master, I consider him a point of reference for what he has done and behavioral for how he interprets the role of coach in the long term: and I think of him when I ask myself how I would like to be. Tomorrow's match will not be a tactical match, but will depend a lot on the attitude, also because Cagliari is a somewhat British team", concludes Gotti.


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