Goodbye to 18 apps , the 500 euro bonus – for theatres, cinemas, live shows, books, subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, museums, concerts and exhibitions – wanted by the Renzi government for young adults.

An amendment by the majority (FdI, Lega and FI) repeals the measure by reallocating resources - 230 million euros per year starting from 2022 - to the world of culture . They range from the strengthening of the Fund for the temporary economic support of workers in the entertainment industry to the Fund for publishing and bookshop operators up to the Fund for live entertainment.

From the ashes of the incentive for 18-year-olds , "carta cultura" will be born. "A measure aimed at preventing the distortion of the purposes of the application - say Federico Mollicone (Fratelli d'Italia), Rossano Sasso (Lega) and Rita Dalla Chiesa (Forza Italia) - which is widely used for the purchase of textbooks . For this reason, we believe it should be reviewed and strengthened in agreement with the productive categories of culture». "The Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano - they add - and the undersecretaries are already working on a meeting in early January with the categories to define the lines of this new charter, without abuses and with support also for the purchase of school books".

The oppositions are already on a war footing and Italia Viva announces that it will oppose the measure . «The majority of Meloni – writes Matteo Renzi on Twitter – wants to cancel 18 apps. Are they afraid of culture? I am ready for the parliamentary filibuster. But I ask everyone to help us out. Sign the petition, pass it on. They'll have to stop, not us."


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