The majority summit on the reshuffle convened by the President of the Region Christian Solinas kicks off at Villa Devoto. Two hypotheses on the table: mini coupon and total reset. Also in the light of the latest news coming from the Regional Council, the first seems the most concrete: Sara Canu, leader of the Reformers, a party that expresses the councilor for public works Aldo Salaris, has moved on to the Mixed group. This weakens Salaris who could leave the delegation in favor of a member of the UDC, that is, the party that most insisted on the advisability of verification.

Moreover, shortly before the summit, both the Brothers of Italy and the Lega made it known that they were not in favor of a change of powers. "I don't wake up thinking about the reshuffle - said the coordinator of the Carroccio Dario Giagoni - but about the problems of Sardinians such as the cost of animal feed and fuel". For the coordinator of FdI Antonella Zedda, “it makes no sense to reset or promote a mini-mix, we are satisfied with what has been done in the department led to date and we know what to do in the two remaining legislatures”.

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