From the Italian title to the European one in two weeks. Giulia Clarkson (Windsurfing Club Cagliari) from Cagliari scored fourth place overall and first female in the continental championship of the historic Windsurfer class. Over 130, the rowers rushed from ten nations and called to face conditions of extreme wind variability over eight regattas. The last, a long distance of 11 miles in the gulf of Les Lecques.

The performance. Already Italian champion, for having dominated the tricolor tournament held in mid-September in Olbia, Giulia Clarkson took advantage of her excellent form to dominate again in the women's fleet, where she anticipated the expert hostess Celine Cordier, already world champion , and Finnish Tuija Antilla. In the series of eight races, he totaled five first places, also going on to win the very tough final regatta. A constancy that also earned her the fourth position in the overall standings, behind the Finns Blinnika and Hullko and the Tuscan Alessandro Torzoni.

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