Gigi Buffon is positive at Covid. This was announced by Parma, the current club of the former Juventus and national team goalkeeper.

"The player has already been placed in isolation - it is explained in a note from the club - according to federal and ministerial directives".

The swabs were carried out on each member of the team group in view of the resumption of competitive activity scheduled for today. Before today's training session - concludes the Emilian club - "a screening will be carried out on the whole team group".

Serie B will return to the field on January 15th. And just a few hours ago, with the new year, Buffon had published a post on Instagram in which he spoke of his intentions for 2022. And above all of the desire to "bring Parma back up".
Now a stop for him, therefore, waiting to become negative and be able to resume training.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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