«The national social security institute (Inps) plays an essential role in the provision of services whose demand is constantly growing. But the chronic shortage of personnel - which went from 980 units in 2013 to 658 in 2021 (-32 per cent) in Sardinia - has reached a critical level such as to reverberate not only on the workloads of the current staff, but also on the efficiency of the services for citizens".

Thus the deputy of the Left Alliance Verdi Francesca Ghirra , who filed a new question with the Minister of Labour, Marina Elvira Calderone .

«Although the situation is dramatic, the envisaged recruitments are completely insufficient both in terms of comparison with the other regions of Italy, and in relation to the concrete operating needs of the various local Sardinian offices. Our region was the only one that did not satisfy all the requests for personnel mobility : out of a total of 4,694 places, the additional units planned for the island were only 41, equal to 0.87 percent of the national total". .

«Despite the competition for 1858 social protection consultants, the final ranking of 5383 suitable, the introduction of a further 4,843 planned units, for Sardinia the new places available are only 63, due to an unfair and penalizing distribution that has affected, beyond Sardinia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Molise.»

«The territorial offices of Sardinia urgently need personnel to be able to continue to guarantee services to citizens – denounces the deputy -. Requests are constantly increasing also due to the serious crisis afflicting the social and economic fabric of the island, but the expected allocation of new personnel is completely inadequate».

"The Minister of Labor should know - he continues - that in Sardinia some offices , such as the provincial offices of Cagliari and Sassari, are dramatically undersized , while for others - such as Carbonia, Senorbì, Lanusei, Macomer, Siniscola, Sorgono, Ghilarza, Alghero , Ozieri and Tempio Pausania – no integration of personnel is foreseen» he continues. "How can you think of leaving entire territories without fundamental principals, forcing citizens to reach the offices in other municipalities to be able to complete their paperwork and load employees with extra work due to lack of staff?".

«I presented a new question to Minister Calderone to understand how she intends to operate to keep the promises made by Undersecretary Durigon in November, taking into account the needs of the territories and rebalancing the staffing in the various offices in order to preserve the territorial capillarity of the offices» , the conclusion. «The expansion of the audience of competition winners would also allow many and many suitable Sardinians who in recent days have been assigned to offices in distant regions, to be able to stay and work on the island, without having to leave their families and loved ones or even be forced to give up their job.


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