After the conference on agri -food and the competition between the best chefs specialized in snail -based dishes, the thirtieth snail festival promoted - on the occasion of the celebrations for Sant'Amatore - by the Municipality, the Pro loco and the 'Union of Municipalities of Trexenta.

Tomorrow, Saturday 15 October , at 3 pm the opening of the Agricultural Fair , the Fieralibri and the inauguration of the Canaries Exhibition organized by the Sardinian Ornithological Association. At 4 pm the Shardana Beer Brothers will be inaugurated , with live music, good street food and craft beers. At 4.30 pm, in the courtyard of the elementary schools, the highlight of the festival with the free tasting of snail-based specialties .

The party continues with ethnic music and dances in the square (from 4.30 pm), the contemporary art exhibition " Antioco: the saint who came from the sea " by Roberto Lai (5.30 pm), the performance in three stages of the Flores Flamenco Company (6.30 pm ) and the concert by Maria Grazia Cherchi (9.30 pm).

On Sunday there are several appointments in the name of culture, devotion, traveling music, games and entertainment for children.

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