Italy is recovering and Sardinia is in second place in terms of growth rate (that of 2022 compared to 2021) with a figure that is double the national average: +1.38% .

«It is above all Gallura that drives the Sardinian economy , not only with tourism but surprisingly also with construction » said Francesco Piredda and Gianmario Serra, researchers from the North Sardinia Chamber of Commerce who presented the Northern Economic Observatory Sardinia.

The Sardinian entrepreneurial fabric has resisted the pandemic, even during the Covid there have been few cancellations. The province of Northern Sardinia accounts for a third of the Sardinian economy and has had a growth of almost 2%.

If tourism, services and construction are growing on the island and agriculture is holding steady, the downturn in manufacturing and the trade crisis that has been going on for years is evident.

Even if 2 businesses close down every day in Sardinia, the number of employees has grown: as many as 5,000 more units throughout Sardinia.

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