The goal is to make all visitors understand the company's philosophy: sustainability and environmental protection . During the Milan Design Week, from today until 23 April, Nieddittas , based in Arborea, an important Sardinian reality in mussel farming and fishing, will exhibit two projects of design, culture, avant-garde and innovation : a bench made entirely from the remains of mussels and a depiction of an artificial islet .

The bench is the result of the Blue Eco Lab experimental project, promoted and created by Nieddittas together with the Medsea Foundation with the aim of recovering waste from fish production through the planning of eco-design solutions.

«The challenge was to intercept them and transform them through the development of a treatment process - explains Francesca Figus , Marketing Nieddittas - Observing the fish production chain, characterized by waste of different nature, it was then decided to also intercept the shells of mussels which, from waste element, now cover the role of support element. The bases of the bench were made following a unique recipe, created through a study that made it possible to define the exact composition between water, cement, ground mussel shells to integrate the sand and, as a complement, the scraps of marble quarries of Orosei».

Again with the reuse of mussel shells, an artificial islet was created in the Corru Mannu pond : ovoid in shape, about 20 meters long and 7 meters wide. It is located about 50 cm above average sea level and is therefore almost completely immersed in water. It is made up of 2000 jute bags filled with mussel shells positioned about 50 meters from the mainland.

«The innovation introduced by Nieddittas differs from similar experiences, already tested in Italy and Sardinia, for the material that is used, i.e. the mussel shells deriving from processing waste. The best resource for pursuing these objectives», concludes Francesca Figus.

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