The modern reinterpretation of the myth of Prometheus will open the summer billboard in Piazza Santa Caterina in Sassari signed by CeDAC / Circuito Multidisciplinare dello Spettacolo dal Vivo in Sardinia with the artistic direction of Valeria Ciabattoni. The appointment is for July 6 at 21 with the "Prometheus" of "Aeschylus" directed by Gabriele Vacis, with the young actors of PEM to rediscover the charm of the ancient tragedy.

These are the other titles. On July 12 "Figurini" is scheduled, an engaging comic-theatrical-musical show with vaguely surreal and Dadaist tones with Gipo Di Napoli and the Bandakadra, a brilliant and eclectic formation of winds and percussion capable of ranging between different genres and styles. The next day, on the 13th, the proposal is "The seventh day he rested, I didn't", a show conceived and interpreted by the blogger and writer Enrica Tesio, former author of "Tutta la tiredness in the world" (Bompiani, 2022) and by the singer-songwriter Andrea Mirò, for a narration in two voices that almost becomes a public diary of acrobatics and "efforts" of everyday life.

The review will close on July 20 "The Mathematics of the Greeks" told by Piergiorgio Odifreddi, directed by Sergio Maifredi, to rediscover fundamental works and authors of antiquity and their influence on Western culture (and beyond).

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