Sardinia continues to burn. The island, at the mercy of the flames that have been gutting its soul for days, witnesses the fires and cries. But he doesn't give up. And he points the finger at the arsonists who, once again this year, have turned their backs on their land.

Anger and disappointment also come from the Tenores di Neoneli who, led by the founder Tonino Cau, have dedicated some rhymes from their forthcoming book "Fogos e Logos" to fires. The volume will also include a disc and will confirm the Barigadu quintet's commitment to important issues such as the environment, to be disseminated with songs and verses in the Sardinian language.


Fogos allutos,

fogos ebbia,

ocannu puru

in my bid.

Fogos airados

fogos mortals

they are persecuted

sos criminales.

Fogos rebbestos

fogos mortores

they are sick

sos brujadores.

Logos Galanos

logos derrutos,

de manu indigna

de scoundrels.

Logos buscosos

burned logos,

on the ground

suni torrados.

Logos de ammaju

famous logos,

negh'e su malu


Fogos and logos

in d'unu 'entu,

yes unu tenet

s'ater'est tentu.

Fogos and logos

tot'unu fadu,

chie ruinat

chi'est ruinadu.


Fires lit

only fires,

even this year

in my country.

Angry fires

deadly fires,

are prosecuted

the criminals.

Violent fires

killer fires,

be cursed

the arsonists.

Graceful places

destroyed places

from unworthy hands

of scoundrels.

wooded places,

burned places

to the bare earth

are back.

magical places,

famous places,

because of the wicked

they are bare.

Fires and places

in one wind,

if one burns

the other is burnt.

Fires and places

the same fate,

who ruins

who is ruined.


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