From the 16th century to the mid-20th century. With a yellow thread tying the poker of historical novels . The autumn session of the “ Florinas in giallo ” festival offers four appointments with a poker of writers.

We start on Friday at 6.30 pm in the municipal auditorium of Putifigari, with the novel by Vindex Lecis "The shadow of the Holy Office" which begins in March 1622 in Sassari, when the magistrate Angelo Giacaracho was killed with two harquebus shots to the head .

On November 16th the festival moves to the Cyrano Bookshop in Alghero (7pm) where Ciro Auriemma presents "The Blade and the Ink", with the exceptional protagonist the great Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, who arrived in Sardinia in the pay of the viceroy and accused of murder when the body of the Cagliari noble Felipe Dulces was found one evening in 1573 in Cagliari.

On November 21st in Sassari Gavino Zucca presents "Murder in Foresta Burgos", a new chapter in the series on Lieutenant Roversi (at 6pm, Council Room of the Department of Law).

Closing, on November 24th, the festival visits the guests of the Florinas retirement home (at 6.30pm) to spend a cheerful evening with them, between good readings and musical performances by the Figulinas Folk Group. The journalist, writer and author of comedies in Italian and in Sassari Cosimo Filigheddu will present his new novel "The War of Pasca" (Il Maestrale) with Elias Vacca . Written on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Enrico Berlinguer and Antonio Pigliaru and set in the autumn of 1943, immediately after the Armistice.

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