Singer Nina Zilli is pregnant .

This was revealed by Fiorello and Fabrizio Biggio during a live broadcast on Instagram . The duo of the "Viva Rai2" program let the indiscretion slip , immediately launching the scoop .

Zilli, who has signed one of the initials of the format , is expecting a child with his partner Danti , also a musician and author of successful hits . “But do people know? Was that thing said there, publicly?», comments Fiorello. «The one they're together?», Biggio replies ironically. “Ah, you don't know either. We don't say it. There is something tender between them, but also something else » says Fiorello, pretending to take a step back. The conductor Mauro Casciari takes care of it to remove any doubts: « There is something third ».

But the live has reserved other surprises . The two also framed the number of showgirl Alessia Marcuzzi , immediately overwhelmed by calls and messages from fans. Biggio, who married one of the presenter's cousins, dialed her number to call her, all under the watchful eye of Instagram. « We have done damage, now he will have to change his number », Fiorello comments worried while Marcuzzi has started sharing fan notifications on social networks.


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