Approximately 13 million euros would be allocated by the Regional Council for the analysis and direct and indirect damage caused by Blue tongue .

This is what was decided by the conference of the group leaders in the regional council according to the rumors reached by Coldiretti Sardinia.

A result that would be materializing after a first draft of the financial law in which the voice "Blue language" was absent, as reported in recent days by the trade association, which made proposals in the discussions it had with the various groups of the Council, also taking into account the evolution of the disease and the direct and indirect losses which to date affect 2,243 farms and 810,669 heads, 74,621 of which show symptoms and 12,867 have died.

"Good news for breeders who are once again suffering losses due to the Blue tongue present in Sardinia for over twenty years, since August 2000, when the first case was ascertained in Sardinia in Pula - commented the president by Coldiretti Sardinia Battista Cualbu -. A result of teamwork that aimed at the goal without looking at the political colors. For this we thank all the group leaders and the Department of Agriculture for the work done with the hope that the money will be formally included in the Finance Act as we have asked for in recent weeks and after having also denounced its absence from the bill ”.

According to rumors, two million euros are earmarked for tests on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), also extended to sheep; 700 thousand euros will instead be allocated to the reimbursement of the money spent by breeders for the purchase of repellents to drive away the gnat; while 10 million are to restore the direct and indirect damages for the heads that due to the disease will produce less like the many sheep that are having an abortion.

The most affected province remains that of Nuoro which, together with Ogliastra, has about 700 outbreaks. Following Cagliari over 650 and Oristano with about 600 and finally Sassari and Gallura with over 260.

"We will ensure that the 10 million euros are first formalized and immediately thereafter arrive quickly and with certainty to the farmers - explained the director of Coldiretti Sardegna Luca Saba - in the hope that the disease will begin to subside".

(Unioneonline / F)

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