Centrists sink on the majority of which they belong.

"The right time has come to change course and pace, and let's not justify ourselves behind the pandemic," said Antonello Peru (Cambiamo-Udc) in the Chamber, during the general discussion of the 2022 Budget which arrived yesterday in the Regional Council.

"Someone accuses this Assembly of having enacted few measures: I do not agree, the truth is that many measures cannot be concretized and implemented - he explained - I believe that a few days are needed to draft a resolution by the Executive Committee, and not a few months: why are we so slow, snails? Someone explain it ".

A passage also on the reform of local authorities: "It is stalled and now we are losing resources on the underground network: this is why we will present an amendment to rebalance the gap". The truth, he concludes, is that we continue to "run with ankle weights".

For the majority also the deputy leader of the Lega Andrea Piras and the director of the Psd'Az Giovanni Satta took the floor. For the rest, only interventions by the opposition which mostly stigmatized the measures of the budget to combat depopulation. The Chamber will resume at 5 pm. The passage to the articles is expected tonight.

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