Great maneuvers for the upcoming vote for the Quirinale, tomorrow starting at 15 in the Chamber.

In the morning the summit of the center-left was held: in the Berlinguer room of the Chamber the president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte met with the group leaders Mariolina Castellone and Davide Crippa, the secretary of the Pd Enrico Letta with the group leaders Debora Serracchiani and Simona Malpezzi, and the leader of Leu Roberto Speranza with the group leaders Federico Fornaro and Loredana De Petris.

According to sources from the Nazarene it is "very likely" that the center-left will go towards the blank ballot in the first vote, the decision will be taken at the summit tomorrow morning. "We didn't talk about names", said Conte as he left, "not even with Salvini". According to the sources, however, a name has been made, and it is that of the historian Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio and minister without portfolio for international cooperation and integration in the Monti government: "Finally we can compare the names. The identikit has been the one indicated for weeks now: a non-partisan, authoritative profile. Meetings that should prelude to a table between all the political forces. We think about Andrea Riccardi as the profile of the ideal president ".

THE TIMING - In the afternoon the electors of Leu and subsequently of the Democratic Party will meet in the room of the parliamentary groups in the Chamber. And at 9 pm those of the M5s will confront via Zoom. On Monday morning, at 9, Matteo Renzi made an appointment with parliamentarians and regional delegates from Italia viva. At 1.15 pm, the assembly of the great electors of FI-Udc will be held in Montecitorio. And at 2 pm that of Coraggio Italia is scheduled. An hour later the Parliament is convened in joint session, and from 3 pm the operations for the first vote for the new head of state will begin.

THE BACK STEP - Yesterday the official retirement of Silvio Berlusconi: tired and disappointed, he will not go forward in the race to the Quirinale . The results of the exhausting "squirrel operation" of hunting the vote were insufficient, the former Knight had nothing left to do but give up the dream of climbing the highest hill in Rome.

Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni communicated this to his allies at a summit via Zoom, remaining in Arcore. Or rather, he let a note read by the very trustworthy Licia Ronzulli, senator of Forza Italia, do it: "I decided to take another step on the path of national responsibility, asking those who proposed it to give up indicating my name for the Presidency of the Republic ".

The former prime minister, hitherto his own kingmaker, does not, however, give up the attempt to designate Sergio Mattarella's successor. Which must not be Mario Draghi, he indirectly said: "I consider it necessary for the Draghi government to complete its work until the end of the legislature to implement the PNRR". In the next few hours, he added, "we will make a shared proposal of the center-right capable of having the maximum possible consensus".

THE GAME - Despite Berlusconi's no, the candidacy of the Prime Minister remains fully on the field. Also because any alternative name risks blowing up the government.

If the majority splits on the name of the president (as it could happen on Pier Ferdinando Casini, given the opposition from the departure especially of the M5s), the fall of the executive would be practically automatic, Draghi was the first to warn. But even going on as if nothing had happened, in a pre-election year, it could hold up for a few weeks or months but then plunge everyone into early elections.

It remains to understand how to find a way to move the premier without earthquakes. The knot remains his successor and the new formula: every leader asks for guarantees, the path is that of a less technical executive with a stronger political imprint. Casini's willingness to take the lead of the government would have been tested, unsuccessfully for now. Just as the names of Marta Cartabia (in strong rise in rumors), Vittorio Colao or Daniele Franco (who would not want to move to Palazzo Chigi) continue to not convince.

The next few hours, underlines an M5s executive, will be decisive: the rupture cannot be excluded, but not even a broad agreement with the center-right probably from the fourth vote when an absolute majority will be enough.

And the Mattarella bis option? It is not yet excluded, but only in the face of an impasse with no hope of resolution.

(Unioneonline / D)

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