"Were these men completely out of their minds or was there maddening, aggressive behavior, even on the other side?"

There is a storm over the intervention of Barbara Palombelli, who last night during the “Forum” broadcast made a consideration on the many femicides in recent days.

The format is the classic one: at Forum there are Mario and Rosa, a couple in dispute for the separation. The presenter introduces the theme by talking about the “anger that triggers violence”.

Then a few quotes, and finally the shocking phrase: “Let's talk about anger between husband and wife. Seven days, seven women allegedly killed by seven men. Sometimes it is also legitimate to ask: were these men completely insane, completely clouded? Or was there maddening, aggressive behavior on the other side as well? It is a question, we must necessarily do it here, a court ”.

Open up heaven. On social media it is a target practice, #Palombelli has become a trending topic on Twitter within a few hours.

"No, it is not legitimate to ask whether a woman deserved to die at the hands of a man - underlines for example Laura Boldrini -. The cause of femicides is only one: the idea of possession towards women that pushes men to violence. And that's it. Palombelli's words, pronounced on TV, are very serious. "

"Asking whether violence against women can derive from the exasperation of men caused by women - says Teresa Bellanova - risks being yet another shameful alibi for a very serious phenomenon that, also for these reasons, is rampant in our country".

"When the media - reads an Amnesty International post - argue that a femicide can be the effect of the victim's behavior, we are in the midst of victim blaming, which is one of the causes of femicides and the lack of sanctions. and adequate laws ".

"Shame on you", is the lapidary comment of Non una di less, an association that has made its mark on the battles against violence against women. "The Sanremo monologue was better," Selvaggia Lucarelli jokes.

Flavia Perina, a writer and former center-right parliamentarian, also ironizes: “I too would like to open a debate about a hateful crime, the bank robbery. But are we really sure that there is no exasperating, aggressive behavior on the part of the banks, with all that display of 'euros', with all those commercials on loans? We have to ask one question ”.

"Words of unprecedented gravity, uttered by a woman, a well-known journalist and presenter, during a national television broadcast", declared in a note the intergroup of the Chamber for women, rights and equal opportunities. "Seven femicides in seven days: this is the photograph of

Country. And again Barbara Palombelli tries to ask if there is a justification for the exasperating behavior of women? It is not acceptable. It is not possible to spread toxic male-dominated prejudices that end up turning into an alibi for a phenomenon that cannot have an alibi ”.

Beyond the many insults that circulate on social media, it is the reasoning behind that that is contested: anger, while legitimate, cannot justify violence or murder.

THE DEFENSE - Overwhelmed by criticism, Palombelli did not correct the shot: "Family violence, the growing aggression that takes the place of love, the misunderstanding that blinds and makes murderers require careful investigations and place us in front of many questions. When a man or a woman (yesterday at the forum it was the female protagonist who exerted violence on their spouse) do not control anger we must question ourselves. Establishing roles and issuing sentences without knowing the facts can be done in rallies or on social media pages, not in court. And even in a television room one has the duty to look at reality from all angles ".

(Unioneonline / L)

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