First conversation between Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini after the electoral affirmation of the center-right. The two met for about an hour at the FdI headquarters, where the leader of the first Italian party - which is working on the government team - yesterday saw the coordinator of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani.

Great collaboration and unity of purpose ”, write Lega and Fratelli d'Italia in a joint note at the end of the face to face. “Both leaders expressed satisfaction with the confidence given by the Italians to the coalition and reaffirmed the great sense of responsibility that this result entails. Meloni and Salvini took stock of the situation and the priorities and urgencies on the agenda of the government and Parliament, also in light of the complex situation that Italy is experiencing ”.

In the morning Giorgia Meloni, breaking the silence that has lasted since the electoral triumph, hastened to deny the quotes of some newspapers according to which she would not want to give Salvini a weighty ministry as he is "pro-Russian": "I find it quite surreal that certain press you invent my quotes from scratch, publishing completely arbitrary reconstructions ", he wrote," put your soul in peace: the united center-right has won the elections and is ready to govern . Enough mystifications ".

The secretary of the League for his part, in a not too veiled way, has returned to claim the Interior Ministry . Sharing the news of 200 migrants who landed in Calabria, he wrote: “We need someone to return to defend and protect borders, laws, law enforcement and security in Italy. We have some ideas ”. With a final wink.

(Unioneonline / L)

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