If the state does not intervene to calm down, on 1 January the gas bill in Italy will jump by 50% more, that of electricity by at least 17%, perhaps by 25%.

And considering the whole of 2022, a typical family could spend 1,200 euros more for gas and electricity. The accounts have been made by the experts of Nomisma and Consumerism, while the government tries to find new resources in the budget law to mitigate the sting.

Davide Tabarelli, president of Nomisma Energia, explains that “in the October-December quarter the gas tariff, set by Arera on the basis of international prices, is 0.95 euros per cubic meter. But given the trend of the markets, without state intervention to calm down, in the quarter January-March 2022 it will reach € 1.40 ", about 50% more.

The rise in the global price of gas also raises that of electricity, largely produced from methane. “Today on the international markets electricity costs from 250 euros per megawatt hour to almost 300 - explains Tabarelli -. In the past it seemed like a lot when it cost 40-50 euros. Without state intervention, the tariff increase (decided in Italy by the Energy Market Manager, GME) will be from 17% to 25% on 1 January ".

The consumer association Consumerismo estimates that in 2022 the increases could bring the typical household's spending on electricity and gas bills to 3,368 euros per year. An increase of 1,227 euros compared to the expenditure incurred in 2021. Also according to the association, the government should find at least 10 billion to avoid the sting.

There are 2 in operation, another should come from the savings made on the facts on the tax reform. Draghi has announced that the government will intervene, and requests for this come from all the majority forces.

(Unioneonline / L)

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