Review the energy decree for Sardinia, so that the island is placed "in a position on an equal footing with the other Regions in terms of tariffs and supplies and allows it to be a protagonist in programming".

This is the request presented by the Region of Sardinia to the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin , during a meeting in Rome attended by the governor Christian Solinas , the councilor for industry Anita Pili and the councilor for Marco Porcu environment.

"There is a need to put order in the procedures for issuing authorizations on new plants - Solinas explained - in which the Sardinian Region must be the protagonist in order to be able to program and plan interventions on its own territory".

The president of the regional council also reiterated to the minister that it is necessary "to create a system for collecting royalties deriving from the production of energy present in the Sardinian territory, and to redistribute the profits to lower the bills of families and businesses".

Also on the plate is the dispute involving Portovesme and the industrial hub of Sulcis, after the mediation intervention between the energy managers and the company: on this matter the governor has requested immediate intervention by the Government for the extension of the tax credit and tools such as interconnectors and super-interruptibility, "which allow not only Portovesme but all Sardinian companies to compete on an equal footing with the industrial realities of the national territory".


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