There were almost 50 thousand , and precisely 47,967, domestic workers regularly hired in Sardinia in 2022 . Almost 70% are carers .

There are 53,759 employer families on the island , the only region to record an increase in this sense. The domestic sphere involves 6.5% of the total population.

These are the data that emerge from the fifth annual report on domestic work promoted by Domina .

The Italian component is a strong majority (82.2%) and women represent 90.6% . The average age of the domestic worker is 48.2 years and, as regards the weeks worked, there is a prevalence of those who have not completed the working year (55.3%) . The employer has an average age of 67.8 years and there is a female prevalence (67.1%).

Overall, in 2022 families in Sardinia spent around 290 million euros on the remuneration of domestic workers including salary, contributions and severance pay . The added value produced by this component is worth approximately 500 million euros (1.7%).

Analyzing the provincial data, we note how the distribution is rather polarized in the capital: 53.2% of domestic workers and 49.7% of carers are concentrated in Cagliari. Of note is the incidence of carers that is significantly higher than in other regions, with an average of 26.8 carers for every 100 elderly people.

And the forecasts on the demographic future of Sardinia reveal how the number of carers is destined to increase: in 2050 in Sardinia according to estimates there will be 227 thousand elderly people (over eighty), compared to a 2023/2050 variation of +82% of residents elderly people. On the other hand, prospects indicate the presence of 114 thousand resident children (0-14 years). The elderly component, therefore, will be double that of children (18% of the population versus 9%).


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