Mourning for the “Fattorie Osella” dairy: this morning, at the age of 92, its founder, Dario Osella, died. The entrepreneur was born on 7 July 1931 in Caramagna Piemonte (Cuneo) into a family with ancient dairy skills passed down from generation to generation.

After attending the Royal Collegio Carlo Alberto I of Moncalieri, he enrolled at the University, but soon realized that his vocation was not to become a lawyer but a cheese producer.

In 1952 the transformation of the business of grandfather Giacomo, a farmer producing mountain cheeses, into a structured business, with the birth of the "Fattorie Osella" dairy, which has as its logo the cart with which the ancestor carried the cheeses on the various markets in the area.

The company specialty is fresh cheeses such as robiola and primo sale and for over 40 years Osella had led the dairy. In 1994 the agreement with the Kraft group (now Mondolez) for the automation of industrial processes and, above all, distribution logistics. The factory, which continues to be based in Caramagna Piemonte, has 120 employees and processes 80 tons of milk every day from 22 local suppliers. In September last year, Dario Osella was widowed by his wife Anna Carlotti, his sidekick for his entire life, even in the company. He leaves two children, Gino and Rossella.


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