Growing, continuing to improve, seeking comparison with the strongest: these are the goals of every athlete, not just ambitions but real opportunities to mature. Sardinian swimming is well aware of all this and, after a first part of the season where solid results were not lacking, it is ready to face the second part of the year with the awareness of those who have an important job behind them that they can count on . A work resulting from the synergy between the clubs, the technicians, the athletes, the referees and the regional committee led by Danilo Russu since November 2017: a life in the tank that of Russu, 51 years old, who takes stock of the situation on a movement where talented young people are not lacking as well as prestigious events that will have the island as a backdrop. Above all, the World Cup in open water on 20 and 21 May in Golfo Aranci.

Russu, let's start with the Absolute Spring Tricolors in Riccione in the long tank. What balance can be drawn?

«Definitely positive, Sardinia has achieved excellent results, among which the Italian title on the 5 km cross-country by Marcello Guidi stands out, but there is also the absolute Sardinian record in the 4x100 medley by the Esperia girls and the by Anna Conti who is carving out a leading role on a national level. Positive signals have also come from Samuele Congia who is now training outside the island and this experience will undoubtedly be important for his future».

Positive results despite some difficulties that athletes have been dealing with for some time.

«Exactly, unfortunately unlike the other regions we don't have the opportunity to train in the 50m pool and this is a big problem. The lack of facilities has always been a real scourge for our movement which often forces athletes to leave Sardinia to look for valid alternatives. However, let's try to be confident with the hope that the situation will change soon ».

First you nominated Anna Conti: what are her strengths?

«Surely the completeness, Anna is a girl who manages to express herself well in all styles and the seventh place in the final A of the 200 medley at the absolute spring Tricolors in long course, complete with the absolute regional record, is the full demonstration. The qualitative leap made in recent months is the result of a journey that began many years ago which is finally showing its great potential. Then, surely, a special mention deserves his coach Ilario Ierace who, in addition to being a coach of great experience, has a truly incredible passion: I hope that young people have even only half his love for swimming because he is an element capable to make a difference".

One of the most awaited moments of this season will be the Open Water World Cup in Golfo Aranci on 20 and 21 May.

“That's right, it's going to be a huge event; we expect at least 300 subscribers in total. There will be 25 national teams, plus 12 regional youth teams, in addition to the participation of the Masters which will be nourished. To underline is the presence of the regional representatives, which will be a great opportunity for our youngest swimmers since they will be able to compete with their peers from all over Italy".

What state is the open water sector in?

«I would say in excellent condition and the results obtained by Fabio Dalu and Marcello Guidi, our flagships in the national team, prove it. The goal, however, is to grow further: this year, in fact, I would like to organize a conference on cross-country swimming: it is important that the technicians discuss and understand that sea competitions can represent a great opportunity to extend one's career. Just think of the Olympic champion Gregorio Paltrinieri who, after almost thirty years, continues to be a world-class excellence. At sea, other components come into play such as strategy, climate and tactics that make everything even more exciting and stimulating».

Besides Fabio Dalu and Marcello Guidi who can represent a trump card to play for Sardinia among men in open waters?

«Definitely Giovanni Marongiu, who has excellent potential that has not yet been fully expressed. He must concentrate on comparing himself with the best and become aware of his own talent: he is very young and with ample room for growth, he can carve out an important space for himself ».

Among women instead?

«I would say Carla De Santis from Sport Full Time and Beatrice Argiolas from Esperia: they are very young, both growing and determined. They are two names to keep an eye on because they can do very well in the future».

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