Gasoline skyrocketing, bills with unsustainable costs, ever-increasing expenses. Even in Sardinia, the fight against inflation is a daily struggle that forces thousands of families to make various sacrifices. And for those who have children, these are even greater difficulties.

There are those who have to travel for work and then come to terms with gasoline prices , those who are the only ones to bring home a salary, those who have a mortgage to pay : so many stories of citizens struggling every day with various problems that they are not eliminated by abandoning the "superfluous" such as restaurant dinners or "extras".

The cost of living in particular affects us: “We are taking away not only the bread but also the water from our mouths”, someone says.

Now that small and pleasant daily habit that had become breakfast at the bar seems to be a luxury to be reserved for the weekend: the increases then touch the shopping list , raw materials, electricity . We "tighten our belts" where we can, but often this is not enough.


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