It thundered so much that it didn't rain. At the end of the interview with Prime Minister Mario Draghi at Palazzo Chigi, Giuseppe Conte confirms the " political unease " of the 5 Star Movement but remains in the majority.

" We remain in the government but we need discontinuity ", he said to the microphones as he left Palazzo Chigi.

“We spoke to Draghi, we gave him a document in the name of the M5S, we have accumulated a strong political unease. We are willing to share a responsibility of government as we have done up to now in a fair and discontinuous way but we need a strong sign of discontinuity ”.

He talks about the inflation that presses the pentastellato leader and asks “immediately” interventions for workers and companies, first of all a cut in the tax wedge that would increase - at the same expense for employers - the net pay of employees.

Superbonus chapter : "The block on the transfer of tax credits must be resolved with absolute urgency, there are thousands of companies on the verge of bankruptcy, families who cannot complete the work and we cannot allow it".

Ultimatum also on citizenship income : “We will no longer allow it to be questioned every day”.

(Unioneonline / L)

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